Ti proteggeró dalle paure delle ipocontrie, dai turbamenti che da oggi incontrerai per la tua via.
Dalle ingiustizie e dagli inganni del tuo tempo, dai fallimenti che per tua natura normalmente attirerai. Ti solleverò dai dolori e dai tuoi sbalzi d'umore,
dalle ossessioni delle tue manie. Supererò le correnti gravitazionali, lo spazio e la luce per non farti invecchiare.
E guarirai da tutte le malattie, perché sei un essere speciale, ed io, avrò cura di te.
dalle ossessioni delle tue manie. Supererò le correnti gravitazionali, lo spazio e la luce per non farti invecchiare.
E guarirai da tutte le malattie, perché sei un essere speciale, ed io, avrò cura di te.
Today was the funeral of a grand man, Mr Nelson Mandela. Just as the elephant herd did in South Africa with Lawrence Anthony, a whole world is mourning in unison. Not only are we greaving the person Nelson Mandela, but also the values he embodied. He was willing to sacrifice his own life for the love and care he felt for his people. Even though Mandiba is not here anymore, physically, I strongly believe the principles he stood for will continue living. There might not ever be a man as courageous, as patient and as revolutionary as him. But we need to keep the memory of him alive for future generations. He must never be forgotten. Just as life changes with the seasons, may his spirit rejoice through our minds.
Recently, I was at a concert with cult singer Franco Battiato. When he sang a capella, one song
struck me particularly. La cura:
I will protect you from the fears of hypochondria
from the anxiety you find on your path
from the injustice and deceit of your time
from the failures, which you, by nature, will attract
I will raise you above the pain and your mood swings
from the obsessions of your mind
I will overcome the gravitational currents
the space and the light
to prevent you from aging
And you will be cured from all the illnesses
cause you are a special human being
and I will take care of you
A few days after the concert, on the same day as my mother in law´s birthday, I found a small tiny bird on the ground. I almost stepped on it, since I did not see it sitting there. Then, surprised as I was, I spotted it: a small cute bird with red chest. He was looking up to me. I was looking down on him. I could not believe why he did not fly away. Then I felt sorry for him. I looked down and thought: maybe he need my help. It felt like he needed my help. So I took him in my hands and carried him to my house. Scared of getting him hurt by the cats I put him on a box on the table outside. Meanwhile, I was figuring out what to do. My boyfriend told me he must have blown away with the wind. Maybe he blew down from the nest, away from his mum. He said I should go look for his mum, so I did. I could not see any nest, nor mum. There were only small olive trees surrounding the spot.
I went back to the box, looked at the tiny bird with caring eyes, and then: all of a sudden the bird took of, he flew away.
Happy of this visit, I felt my heart filled with compassion and wonder. And I thought: there must be some reason why this little tiny bird came into my life.
Two insights are embracing my life
We all need someone who takes care of us, if only for a little while, sometimes
He who fights for peace, should indeed Rest In Peace