Saturday, November 9, 2013

giraffa communication & elephant telepathy

Did you know there is a communication called the giraffa communication? It is about being an empathic listener. The name comes from the fact that the giraffa has the biggest heart of all the terrestrial animals.

I heard a story on the radio, which I wish to share. It was about a man called Lawrence Anthony. During the war he traveled from his home in South Africa to Iraq to save all the dying animals of the zoo of Bagdad. After he accomplished that, his heart felt the need of helping two herds of elephants in his area, threatened to life by the locals.

Lawrence went to the bushes close to the villages, stayed with the elephants, learnt their languages, earned their trust and started to communicate with them. He learnt that elephants can communicate even at miles apart. He could not explain how, he just knew.

One day, Lawrence sadly past away in his home by a heartattack. At the same exact instance the two herds of elephants started to walk towards his house. They walked for twelve hours, over a distance of more than twenty chilometers. I believe they must have felt his heart was not connected to theirs anymore.

They stayed outside his home mourning for two full days. I believe they felt he was a member of their herd. He was one of them.