Wednesday, August 1, 2012

owl transformation on a full moon night

“I want to realize brotherhood or identity not merely with the beings called human, but I want to realize identity with all life, even with such things as crawl upon earth.”

                                                                                                                              Mahatma Gandhi

Today I had a strong emotional experience watching a movie. It is not every day I get moved by films, at least not as strongly as this one, and not as profound. The story is about a vet student who loses his both parents in an accident and end up going to work for a circus. He fells in love with the woman who trains the horses. In the very beginning one of the white horses dies from a disease. It is sad. I cannot support watching horses getting hurt, none the less die. It reminded me of the time when I saw a real horse getting carried away for slaughtery. It was full moon that evening, and I cried.
But the event that made me cry desperately was when the circus director is hurting the elephant really badly. The elephant is lying down, full of wounds and blood. It was a terrible scene. It made me full of sorrow and pain.

Elephants are spiritual, and deeply emotional animals. I experienced that myself on a trip to Mandalkiri, Cambodia where I realized my dream of riding an elephant. I was not sitting on the back in a box like many poeple do. I asked to sit on the head of the elephant, to steer it with my own feet, and so I did. It was a truly wonderful feeling. After riding for a while, we stopped in the djungle to swim together with the elephant. In the water I had a spiritual, close-to-euphoria, experience. When I was bathing the giant animal, and getting so close to him that I could touch his face, I looked deep into his eyes as he was lying in the water relaxing. It was something special to me. Unexplainable.
What moved me the most was what happened while riding our way back to the village, where we had to cross a road with cars. A big truck with loads of standing people on it, came towards us, backing up to let people watch the elephants. Both people and truck were very loud. The elephants got really scared, they were trembling and we were shaking. They were screeming like frightened children. They tried to run away. The mahouts got really nervous, hitting the elephants with a stick to avoid them to escape. In that moment something that I will never forget happened: one elephant took the other´s trunk and twirled it around his own trunk. That way they were looking like they were hugging each other. They were comforting each other.

I was not surprised when I read the news that an elephant had killed two trainers while escaping from a zoo. The elephant did not even touch the people that had not caused him any harm. He only killed or hurted the ones that had been evil to him  earlier on. I believe this is karma.
They say elephants and horses remember everything. I would like to sign on to that. I belive that if you hurt an animal, it will one day, sooner or later, get revenge.
I will not tell you here the end of the film, but I can assure you the end has to do with karma.
I never hurted my horse and she has never ever even tried to bite me. A neighbour of mine just got bit by his horse really badly. That horse was used to violence from his earlier owner.

The other day, while I was walking my dog as I usually do in the evenings, I saw a a beautiful white barn owl. It was quite and calm outside, the night was black except for the road lights that lightened up the way. The owl was sitting majestly on top of an electric cord, standing out as it was, huge and white, in the black night. I had an emotional boost, since it was one of the very few times in my life, and for sure the first time seeing a barn owl. I knew by seeing it transformation was on its way. Owls bare a rumor of being the symbol for change. So I felt. I find myself in a moment of life, undergoing different transformations. Seeing the owl was just an affirmation that I am walking in the right direction. All the changes I am living right now will benefit me in one way or another. I could sense I am having positive vibes. Attracting all kinds of animals lately should be a sign for that.

Tonight is full moon. Full moon always makes me wonder about our connection to this earth, universe and existing as a whole. How come the cycle of the moon is just as long as the femal cycle? Every time I watch the moon, I always try to see if I can trace its face. Normally I always find the two eyes, the nose and...yes, its smiling mouth. It appears to me the moon is always smiling. I wonder why? Does life on earth look really funny from so far away? Are our day to day problems so small, if you look at them from a distance? I wonder if the moon would have the answer to all these questions.


  1. Wonderful that you had this experience. There is a wonderful Indian movie about an elephant and his trainer. I forgot the name of the movie, but it is just beautiful and deep and pure cross - species - love.

    Still: elephants can be terrible as we are, for example if there are too many in an environment, they will destroy the ecosystem. Elephant bulls in heat (do you say that for a bull???) will kill anyone, if they did them harm or not. I watched an herd once a whole afternoon, just cows and babies. There was one young cow, she wanted to drink at the waterhole and the other cows would just not let her, they would chase her away and it was hot, she was obviously so very desperate to drink and they still did not let her. It was like human bullying or cruelty and it broke my heart.

    I do love elephants a lot and admire their lives deeply, but they are also wild animals. In India they kill hundreds of people every year and often there is no history of cruelty. Men and elephants are competing for resources of course. I have seen farmers in the north of Namibia destroyed when in the morning they discovered that during the night a herd of elephants had eaten all their crop.

    How can we live in peace together?


    1. some people say we are getting close to an apocalypse. according to the mayan calendar, a great change will take place before the end of this year. I believe there will be a transformation in the way human treat this earth. I can feel it coming. maybe the only way to live in peace together would be acknowledging our behaviour and try to adapt it to mother nature. the animals live in harmony with nature, so why can´t we?

  2. First of all glad to hear you are alive and kicking!

    Just finished reading your blog entries and found some quite interesting thoughs.

    Little over a year ago I found my use of computers getting out of hands; surffing on meaningless sites, harvesting junk information, killing my time on facebook and so on. One evening I decided to cut all but necessary things off (such as job applications and school work). To be honest it felt as hard as quitting the habit of smoking. It was difficult to make your free time pass few first days but gladly I soon found my old hobbies; jogging, streching, some yoga, meditating and reading. Looking back the year gone by I've learned and re-learned emotions and thoughs I had lost in junk I was feeding my mind with. The quality/productive time I had with myself increased in huge amounts and have been more energetic and happy with myself ever since. On the down side however I've noticed to have grown apart from some of my close friends due to distance.

    It's funny I found your blog from my old e-mail address today since it is today that I entered again on Facebook to keep contact to people I know and care for. (This time keeping eye on time spent there;).

    I'll give some time to think about some ideas I had while reading those older posts and maybe add my two cents in sometime soon.

    And for those elephants, I think they really liked your singing


    1. hello juho, very HAPPY to hear from you. it might be telepathy that connected us again.
      you put it so well. feeding your soul with junk. that is exactly what I was trying to say. but with less words.
      I look forward to hear more of your own thoughts.
      meanwhile, let me tell you I just saw a wonderful movie from India, the best exotic Marigold hotel, which really made me want to go there. I have dreamt of it for a couple of years now. I remember you always had a big smile on your face while telling me about your adventures in Manali. quite unusual for someone coming from Finland, to smile all the time.
      and oh...ha ha...I didn´t remember singing that song for the elephants...maybe in India I could do it with an elephant AND a monkey to then...just like pippi
